Saturday, 18 September 2010

Giles set to become Oz Exile

 The home Chorley match was sponsored by "Friends of Giles Park" in honour of the imminent emigration of long-standing Chester fan Giles Park (pictured with John Kelly), with his wife Suzanne and children Josh, 8, and Mia, 6.
Giles, who lives in Wimbledon and is a member of the Chester Exiles, has been following Chester since he moved to Hough Green at the age of 11. His son Josh, whose favourite former player is John Danby, was mascot at the match.
As a Chester fan and professional photographer, Giles is perhaps known for the iconic portrait of legendary manager Harry McNally he took for the BBC's Match of the Day magazine.
The Park family will be emigrating to Sydney, Australia, next month, where they will be where they will be in good company - at least six t-shirts bearing Giles' Harry picture are already being worn by fans in Oz!